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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
465건 중 465건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Service differentiation in liner shipping: advance booking and express services 미리보기
Acciaro, M. Inderscience 2011
42 저널기사 Proxy access and ownership: does institutional investor type matter? 미리보기
Listokin-Smith, S. Inderscience 2011
43 저널기사 Organisational role stress: the conceptual framework 미리보기
Bano, B.; Talib, P.; Sundarakani, B.; Gopalan, M. Inderscience 2011
44 저널기사 Living with HIV: a social constructionist approach 미리보기
Hajela, S. Inderscience 2011
45 저널기사 Study of efficiency trends and productivity changes in the US TL carriers: 2000-2009 미리보기
Pai, D.R. Inderscience 2011
46 저널기사 Foreign investor liability for environmental damage: does the form of capital matter? 미리보기
Anyangah, J. INDERSCIENCE 2011
47 저널기사 An examination of work-life balance perspectives of accountants 미리보기
Smith, K.T.; Smith, L.M.; Brower, T.R. Inderscience 2011
48 저널기사 Innovation policy and local cluster of entrepreneurs in South China 미리보기
Zhao, W.; Arvanitis, R.; La Pira, F. Inderscience 2011
49 저널기사 Conceptual model of environmentally conscious strategic management 미리보기
Fulop, G.; Gall, I.P. Inderscience 2011
50 저널기사 The impotence of auditing practices in a corrupt environment: some evidence from Zimbabwe 미리보기
Ndiweni, E. Inderscience 2011
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