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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
51건 중 51건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 International financial contagion of the US sub-prime crisis: evidence through the adjusted correlation test and non-linear Error Correction Models (ECM) 미리보기
Omri, A.; Ghorbel-Zouari, S. Inderscience Publishers 2011
22 저널기사 Unconventional monetary policy in practice: a comparison of `Quantitative Easing' in Japan and the USA 미리보기
Reith, M. Inderscience Publishers 2011
23 저널기사 Stock splits, stock dividends and abnormal trading volume: evidence from Tunisia stock exchange 미리보기
Daadaa, W.; Rajhi, M.T. Inderscience Publishers 2011
24 저널기사 Monetary policy and the disinflation on the way to the euro in Slovenia 미리보기
Kozamernik, D.; Zumer, T. Inderscience Publishers 2011
25 저널기사 The role of timing at Mergers and Acquisitions in the banking industry 미리보기
Mueller, L.; Schiereck, D. Inderscience Publishers 2011
26 저널기사 Exchange rate and exporting behaviour of Indian Textiles and Clothing sector across major destination countries 미리보기
Beena, P.L.; Mallick, H. Inderscience Publishers 2011
27 저널기사 Dynamics of investor's behaviour: a survey-based study on Indian securities market 미리보기
Agarwal, S. Inderscience Publishers 2011
28 저널기사 Impact of exchange rate and money supply on growth, inflation and interest rates in the UK 미리보기
Bhattarai, K. Inderscience Publishers 2011
29 저널기사 The economic impact of mergers and acquisitions in Greece: lessons from a comparative analysis regarding western economies 미리보기
Tampakoudis, I.A.; Subeniotis, D.N.; Eleftheriadis, I.M. Inderscience Publishers 2011
30 저널기사 The benefits of management accounting practices in manufacturing and service firms: a Finnish study 미리보기
Agbejule, A.; Huusko, J. INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS 2011
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