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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 A construct of META-RELQUAL: measurement model and theory testing 미리보기
Svensson, G.; Mysen, T. MCB 2011
32 저널기사 Label design: impact on millennials' perceptions of wine 미리보기
Henley, C. D.; Fowler, D. C.; Yuan, J. J.; Stout, B. L.; Goh, B. K. MCB 2011
33 저널기사 Controlling externally autonomised entities by Dutch local governments 미리보기
Kruijf, J. A. MCB 2011
34 저널기사 Imagined promises versus real challenges to public performance management 미리보기
Halachmi, A. MCB 2011
35 저널기사 Testing forecasting power of the conditional relationship between beta and return 미리보기
Verma, R. MCB 2011
36 저널기사 Electronic trading agreements 미리보기
Alter, B.; Goodwyn, L. MCB 2011
37 저널기사 Customer orientation and future market focus in NSD 미리보기
Hillebrand, B.; Kemp, R. G.; Nijssen, E. J. mcb 2011
38 저널기사 Organizational change: in search of the golden mean 미리보기
Dillard, J.; Rogers, R.; Yuthas, K. MCB 2011
39 저널기사 Foreign vs domestic investors and the post-announcement drift 미리보기
Booth, G. G.; Kallunki, J. P.; Sahlstrom, P.; Tyynela, J. MCB 2011
40 저널기사 Taxation and the value of employee stock options 미리보기
Abudy, M.; Benninga, S. MCB 2011
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