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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
447건 중 447건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
441 저널기사 Contribution of Higher Education to Economic Development: A Survey of International Evidence 미리보기
Kimenyi, M. S. Oxford University Press 2011
442 저널기사 Fiscal and Monetary Determinants of Inflation in Low-Income Countries: Theory and Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa† 미리보기
Baldini, A.; Poplawski-Ribeiro, M. Oxford University Press 2011
443 저널기사 Parental Attitudes and Demand for Schooling in Ethiopia 미리보기
Weir, S. Oxford University Press 2011
444 저널기사 Smallholder Diversification and Income Growth in Zambia† 미리보기
Bigsten, A.; Tengstam, S. Oxford University Press 2011
445 저널기사 Cover 미리보기
unknown Oxford University Press 2011
446 저널기사 `Doing Gender' in Fear of Crime: The Impact of Gender Identity on Reported Levels of Fear of Crime in Adolescents and Young Adults 미리보기
Cops, D.; Pleysier, S. Oxford University Press 2011
447 저널기사 A Soundtrack to (illegal) Entrepreneurship: Pirated CD/DVD Selling in a Greek Provincial City 미리보기
Antonopoulos, G. A.; Hobbs, D.; Hornsby, R. Oxford University Press 2011
맨앞 이전 41 42 43 44 45 
