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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Advertising, the matchmaker 미리보기
Anand, B. N.; Shachar, R. Rand Corp. 2011
12 저널기사 Directed matching with endogenous Markov probability: clients or competitors? 미리보기
Ciapanna, E. Rand Corp. 2011
13 저널기사 Direct and indirect knowledge spillovers: the -social network- of open-source projects 미리보기
Fershtman, C.; Gandal, N. Rand Corp. 2011
14 저널기사 Inventories and the automobile market 미리보기
Copeland, A.; Dunn, W.; Hall, G. Rand Corp. 2011
15 저널기사 Bounds on revenue distributions in counterfactual auctions with reserve prices 미리보기
Tang, X. Rand Corp. 2011
16 저널기사 Rewarding improvements: optimal dynamic contracts with subjective evaluation 미리보기
Chan, J.; Zheng, B. Rand Corp. 2011
17 저널기사 Secondary markets with changing preferences 미리보기
Johnson, J. P. Rand Corp. 2011
18 저널기사 Interconnection among academic journal websites: multilateral versus bilateral interconnection 미리보기
Jeon, D. S.; Menicucci, D. Rand Corp. 2011
19 저널기사 Paying for observable luck 미리보기
Feriozzi, F. Rand Corp. 2011
20 저널기사 Incentives and creativity: evidence from the academic life sciences 미리보기
Azoulay, P.; Graff Zivin, J. S.; Manso, G. Rand Corp. 2011
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