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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Management]
139건 중 139건 출력
1/14 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Corporate derivatives and foreign exchange risk management: A case study of non-financial firms of Pakistan 미리보기
Afza, T.; Alam, A. MCB 2011
2 저널기사 When is a balanced scorecard a balanced scorecard? 미리보기
Soderberg, M.; Kalagnanam, S.; Sheehan, N. T.; Vaidyanathan, G. MCB 2011
3 저널기사 Management branding (MB): Performance improvement through contextual managerial behavior development 미리보기
Posteuca, A. A. MCB 2011
4 저널기사 Crowd-funding: transforming customers into investors through innovative service platforms 미리보기
Ordanini, A.; Miceli, L.; Pizzetti, M.; Parasuraman, A. mcb 2011
5 저널기사 Portfolio use for documentation of personal and professional growth gained outside academia 미리보기
Burkšaitiene, N.; Tereseviciene, M.; Kaminskiene, L. MCB 2011
6 저널기사 Virtual work usage and challenges in different service sector branches 미리보기
Mihhailova, G.; Oun, K.; Turk, K. MCB 2011
7 저널기사 Comparative cross-cultural service quality: an assessment of research methodology 미리보기
Morales, M.; Ladhari, R. mcb 2011
8 저널기사 A construct of META-RELQUAL: measurement model and theory testing 미리보기
Svensson, G.; Mysen, T. MCB 2011
9 저널기사 Controlling externally autonomised entities by Dutch local governments 미리보기
Kruijf, J. A. MCB 2011
10 저널기사 Imagined promises versus real challenges to public performance management 미리보기
Halachmi, A. MCB 2011
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
