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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Management]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Creating a university technology commercialisation programme: confronting conflicts between learning, discovery and commercialisation goals 미리보기
Meyer, A.D.; Aten, K.; Krause, A.J.; Metzger, M.L.; Holloway, S.S. unknown 2011
12 저널기사 Transforming lead user innovations into new corporate ventures: a matter of information asymmetry? 미리보기
Fuchs, B. unknown 2011
13 저널기사 Editorial: An overview of current challenges and research areas 미리보기
Mitter, C.; Kraus, S. unknown 2011
14 저널기사 Dynasties of innovation: highly performing German family firms and the owners' role for innovation 미리보기
Bergfeld, M.-M.H.; Weber, F.-M. unknown 2011
15 저널기사 Openness of innovating: the new roles of customers and users in business-to-business context 미리보기
Nordlund, H.; Lempiala, T.; Holopainen, M. unknown 2011
16 저널기사 Family firm research: sketching a research field 미리보기
Kraus, S.; Harms, R.; Fink, M. unknown 2011
17 저널기사 Linking innovation and entrepreneurship - literature overview and introduction of a process-oriented framework 미리보기
Brem, A. unknown 2011
18 저널기사 Front end innovation and stakeholder involvement in machine tools sector 미리보기
Pittino, D.; Visintin, F.; Compagno, C. unknown 2011
19 저널기사 A comparison of interfirm relational capabilities in internationalising small-business enterprises (SBEs) and large firms in a developing country 미리보기
Matanda, M.J.; Ndubisi, N.O. unknown 2011
20 저널기사 Components of supply chain practices: an empirical study and implications for new international ventures 미리보기
Madu, C.N.; Kuei, C.-h.; Chow, W.S.; Ndubisi, N.O. unknown 2011
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