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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Management]
41건 중 41건 출력
4/5 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


열거형 테이블형
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 The crowdsourcing process: an intermediary mediated idea generation approach in the early phase of innovation 미리보기
Muhdi, L.; Daiber, M.; Friesike, S.; Boutellier, R. unknown 2011
32 저널기사 Connecting local entrepreneurial ecosystems to global innovation networks: open innovation, double networks and knowledge integration 미리보기
Malecki, E.J. unknown 2011
33 저널기사 Exploring market orientation in new export ventures 미리보기
Evers, N. unknown 2011
34 저널기사 Entrepreneurial opportunity identification and new firm development processes: a comparison of family and non-family new ventures 미리보기
Hayton, J.; Chandler, G.N.; DeTienne, D.R. unknown 2011
35 저널기사 Family influence on firm performance: Finnish publicly held family firm perspective 미리보기
Kansikas, J.; Tourunen, K.; Laaksonen, S. unknown 2011
36 저널기사 Technology incubators: facilitating technology transfer or creating regional wealth? 미리보기
Maxwell, A.; Levesque, M. unknown 2011
37 저널기사 Theory and evidence on mergers and acquisitions by small and medium enterprises 미리보기
Weitzel, U.; McCarthy, K.J. unknown 2011
38 저널기사 Technology parks and knowledge-based development in Mexico: Tecnologico de Monterrey CIT^2 experience 미리보기
Molina, A.; Aguirre, J.M.; Breceda, M.; Cambero, C. unknown 2011
39 저널기사 External capital for NTBFs: the role of bank and venture capital 미리보기
Minola, T.; Giorgino, M. unknown 2011
40 저널기사 The venture creation approach: integrating entrepreneurial education and incubation at the university 미리보기
Ollila, S.; Williams-Middleton, K. unknown 2011
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