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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Autism, Neurodiversity and the Welfare State: The Challenges of Accommodating Neurological Difference 미리보기
Orsini, M. University of Toronto Press 2012
62 저널기사 America's Pacific pivot 미리보기
Beitelman, D.A. University of Toronto Press 2012
63 저널기사 Wishful thinking: Democracy promotion in the Americas under Harper 미리보기
Legler, T. University of Toronto Press 2012
64 저널기사 Enquete sur le rapport des journalistes a la democratie : le role de mediateur en question 미리보기
Gingras, A.-M. University of Toronto Press 2012
65 저널기사 Souverainete democratique, justice et mondialisation. Essai sur la democratie liberale et le cosmopolitisme Souverainete democratique, justice et mondialisation. Essai sur la democratie liberale et le cosmopolitisme., Nootens, Montreal, Editions Liber, 2011, 202 p. induant la bibliographie (192-201) 미리보기
unknown University of Toronto Press 2012
66 저널기사 Etat stratege & participation citoyenne Etat stratege & participation citoyenne, Cote, Levesque et Morneau (dir.), Presses de l'Universite du Quebec, Quebec, 2009, 278 pages. ISBN 978-2-7605-2402-6 미리보기
Paquet, G. University of Toronto Press 2012
67 저널기사 The European Union and Global Governance The European Union and Global Governance, Telo, ed., NewYork: Routledge, 2009, pp. 368 미리보기
Chebakova, A. University of Toronto Press 2012
68 저널기사 Engagements actuels, actualite des engagements Engagements actuels, actualite des engagements, Jacquemain et Delwitt (dir.), Academia Bruylant, Collection << Science politique >>, Louvain-la-Neuve, 2010, 285 pages 미리보기
Madore, J. University of Toronto Press 2012
69 저널기사 The Domestic Politics of the International Dollar Standard: A Statistical Analysis of Support for the Reserve Currency, 2000-2008 미리보기
Shih, V.; Steinberg, D.A. University of Toronto Press 2012
70 저널기사 Homegrown Islamist Radicalization in Canada: Process Insights from an Attitudinal Survey 미리보기
Skillicorn, D.B.; Leuprecht, C.; Winn, C. University of Toronto Press 2012
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