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검색어[키워드 / 전체:accounting review]
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2012 삭제
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Village Economic Accounts: Real and Financial Interwined 미리보기
Paweenawat, A.; Townsend, R.M. American Economic Association 2012
22 저널기사 Reward System Design and Group Creativity: An Experimental Investigation 미리보기
Chen, C.X.; Williamson, M.G.; Zhou, F.H. American Accounting Association. 2012
23 저널기사 Hakan Hakansson, Kalle Kraus, and Johnny Lind (editors) Accounting in Networks 미리보기
Mikes, A. American Accounting Association. 2012
24 저널기사 Mandatory IFRS Adoption and Institutional Investment Decisions 미리보기
Florou, A.; Pope, P.F. American Accounting Association. 2012
25 저널기사 An Analysis of Multiple Consecutive Years of Material Weaknesses in Internal Control 미리보기
Gordon, L.A.; Wilford, A.L. American Accounting Association. 2012
26 저널기사 The Impact of Mandatory IFRS Adoption on Audit Fees: Theory and Evidence 미리보기
Kim, J.-B.; Liu, X.; Zheng, L. American Accounting Association. 2012
27 저널기사 Management Forecast Accuracy and CEO Turnover 미리보기
Lee, S.; Matsunaga, S.R.; Park, C.W. American Accounting Association. 2012
28 저널기사 CEO Pay, Managerial Power, and SFAS 123(R) 미리보기
Skantz, T.R. American Accounting Association. 2012
29 저널기사 Ronald J. Huefner Reporting Business Risks: Meeting Expectations 미리보기
Bell, T.B. American Accounting Association. 2012
30 저널기사 Tax Avoidance, Large Positive Temporary Book-Tax Differences, and Earnings Persistence 미리보기
Blaylock, B.; Shevlin, T.; Wilson, R.J. American Accounting Association. 2012
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