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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
441 저널기사 Bonus Payments versus Efficiency Wages in the Repeated Principal-Agent Model with Subjective Evaluations 미리보기
Maestri, L. American Economic Association 2012
442 저널기사 Home Equity Lending and Retail Spending: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Texas 미리보기
Abdallah, C.S.; Lastrapes, W.D. American Economic Association 2012
443 저널기사 How Does The US Government Finance Fiscal Shocks? 미리보기
Berndt, A.; Lustig, H.; Yeltekin, S. American Economic Association 2012
444 저널기사 Social Security Reforms: Benefit Claiming, Labor Force Participation, and Long-run Sustainability 미리보기
Imrohoroglu, S.; Kitao, S. American Economic Association 2012
445 저널기사 Cash Transfers, Behavioral Changes, and Cognitive Development in Early Childhood: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment 미리보기
Macours, K.; Schady, N.; Vakis, R. American Economic Association 2012
446 저널기사 Soap Operas and Fertility: Evidence from Brazil 미리보기
La Ferrara, E.; Chong, A.; Duryea, S. American Economic Association 2012
447 저널기사 A Model-Based Evaluation of the Debate on the Size of the Tax Multiplier 미리보기
Chahrour, R.; Schmitt-Grohe, S.; Uribe, M. American Economic Association 2012
448 저널기사 Check in the Mail or More in the Paycheck: Does the Effectiveness of Fiscal Stimulus Depend on How It Is Delivered? 미리보기
Sahm, C.R.; Shapiro, M.D.; Slemrod, J. American Economic Association 2012
449 저널기사 A Theory of Occupational Choice with Endogenous Fertility 미리보기
Mookherjee, D.; Prina, S.; Ray, D. American Economic Association 2012
450 저널기사 Information Acquisition in Competitive Markets: An Application to the US Mortgage Market 미리보기
Burke, J.M.; Taylor, C.R.; Wagman, L. American Economic Association 2012
맨앞 이전 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 
