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검색어[키워드 / 전체:accounting review]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 The Evolution of the IASC into the IASB, and the Challenges it Faces 미리보기
Zeff, S.A. American Accounting Association. 2012
82 저널기사 The Differential Improvement Effects of the Strategy Map and Scorecard Perspectives on Managers' Strategic Judgments 미리보기
Cheng, M.M.; Humphreys, K.A. American Accounting Association. 2012
83 저널기사 Al Rosen and Mark Rosen $WINDLER$: Cons & Cheats and How to Protect your Investment from Them 미리보기
Boritz, J.E.; Robinson, L.A. American Accounting Association. 2012
84 저널기사 Investor Relations, Firm Visibility, and Investor Following 미리보기
Bushee, B.J.; Miller, G.S. American Accounting Association. 2012
85 저널기사 ABC Information, Fairness Perceptions, and Interfirm Negotiations 미리보기
Masschelein, S.; Cardinaels, E.; Van Den Abbeele, A. American Accounting Association. 2012
86 저널기사 Tax Avoidance: Does Tax-Specific Industry Expertise Make a Difference? 미리보기
McGuire, S.T.; Omer, T.C.; Wang, D. American Accounting Association. 2012
87 저널기사 Assessing the Impact of Alternative Fair Value Measures on the Efficiency of Project Selection and Continuation 미리보기
Caskey, J.; Hughes, J.S. American Accounting Association. 2012
88 저널기사 In Search of Informed Discretion: An Experimental Investigation of Fairness and Trust Reciprocity 미리보기
Maas, V.S.; Van Rinsum, M.; Towry, K.L. American Accounting Association. 2012
89 저널기사 Paulo Alves, Peter F. Pope, and Steven Young European Cross-Border Information Transfers and the Impact of Accounting Standards Regime Changes 미리보기
Yohn, T.L. American Accounting Association. 2012
90 저널기사 Is Earnings Quality Associated with Corporate Social Responsibility? 미리보기
Kim, Y.; Park, M.S.; Wier, B. American Accounting Association. 2012
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