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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Engerman, Stanley L. and Kenneth L. Sokoloff. Economic Development in the Americas since 1500: Endowments and Institutions 미리보기
Williamson, J.G. American Economic Association] 2012
42 저널기사 Flanagan, Robert J. The Perilous Life of Symphony Orchestras: Artistic Triumphs and Economic Challenges 미리보기
Rosett, J. American Economic Association] 2012
43 저널기사 Reading about the Financial Crisis: A Twenty-One-Book Review 미리보기
Lo, A.W. American Economic Association] 2012
44 저널기사 Skidelsky, Robert. Keynes: The Return of the Master 미리보기
Taylor, L. American Economic Association] 2012
45 저널기사 Osband, Kent. Pandora's Risk: Uncertainty at the Core of Finance 미리보기
Roussanov, N. American Economic Association] 2012
46 저널기사 Kuran, Timur. The Long Divergence: How Islamic Law Held Back the Middle East 미리보기
Hanna, N. American Economic Association] 2012
47 저널기사 Coile, Courtney C. and Phillip B. Levine. Reconsidering Retirement: How Losses and Layoffs Affect Older Workers 미리보기
Stock, W.A. American Economic Association] 2012
48 저널기사 Helpman, Elhanan. Understanding Global Trade 미리보기
Feenstra, R.C. American Economic Association] 2012
49 저널기사 Galor, Oded. Unified Growth Theory 미리보기
Dinopoulos, E. American Economic Association] 2012
50 저널기사 Aoki, Masahiko. Corporations in Evolving Diversity: Cognition, Governance, and Institutions 미리보기
Cremers, M. American Economic Association] 2012
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