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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
91 저널기사 Marshall, Robert C. and Leslie M. Marx. The Economics of Collusion: Cartels and Bidding Rings 미리보기
Siegfried, J.J. American Economic Association] 2012
92 저널기사 Morrell, Peter S. Moving Boxes by Air: The Economics of International Air Cargo 미리보기
Hummels, D. American Economic Association] 2012
93 저널기사 Mohan, Rakesh. Growth with Financial Stability: Central Banking in an Emerging Market 미리보기
Mody, A. American Economic Association] 2012
94 저널기사 Williamson, Jeffrey G. Trade and Poverty: When the Third World Fell Behind 미리보기
Mitchener, K.J. American Economic Association] 2012
95 저널기사 Razin, Assaf; Efraim Sadka, and Benjarong Suwankiri. Migration and the Welfare State: Political-Economy Policy Formation 미리보기
Mukand, S.W. American Economic Association] 2012
96 저널기사 Fighting Poverty one Experiment at a Time: A Review of Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo's Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty 미리보기
Ravallion, M. American Economic Association] 2012
97 저널기사 Economic History or History of Economics? A Review of Sylvia Nasar's Grand Pursuit: The Story of Economic Genius 미리보기
Ashenfelter, O. American Economic Association] 2012
98 저널기사 Economic Perspectives on Corporate Social Responsibility 미리보기
Kitzmueller, M.; Shimshack, J. American Economic Association] 2012
99 저널기사 The Elasticity of Taxable Income with Respect to Marginal Tax Rates: A Critical Review 미리보기
Saez, E.; Slemrod, J.; Giertz, S. American Economic Association] 2012
100 저널기사 Holzer, Harry J.; Julia I. Lane, David B. Rosenblum, and Fredrik Andersson. Where Are All the Good Jobs Going? What National and Local Job Quality and Dynamics Mean for U.S. Workers 미리보기
Houseman, S. American Economic Association] 2012
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