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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 The Impact of Family Income on Child Achievement: Evidence from the Earned Income Tax Credit 미리보기
Dahl, G.B.; Lochner, L. American Economic Association 2012
22 저널기사 Moving to Higher Ground: Migration Response to Natural Disasters in the Early Twentieth Century 미리보기
Boustan, L.P.; Kahn, M.E.; Rhode, P.W. American Economic Association 2012
23 저널기사 Heuristic Thinking and Limited Attention in the Car Market 미리보기
Lacetera, N.; Pope, D.G.; Sydnor, J.R. American Economic Association 2012
24 저널기사 The Hidden Advantage of Delegation: Pareto Improvements in a Gift Exchange Game 미리보기
Charness, G.; Cobo-Reyes, R.; Jimenez, N.; Lacomba, J.A.; Lagos, F. American Economic Association 2012
25 저널기사 Follow the Money: Quantifying Domestic Effects of Foreign Bank Shocks in the Great Recession 미리보기
Cetorelli, N.; Goldberg, L.S. American Economic Association 2012
26 저널기사 Holdout in the Assembly of Complements: A Problem for Market Design 미리보기
Kominers, S.D.; Weyl, E.G. American Economic Association 2012
27 저널기사 Understanding Price Controls and Nonprice Competition with Matching Theory 미리보기
Hatfield, J.W.; Plott, C.R.; Tanaka, T. American Economic Association 2012
28 저널기사 Health Reform, Health Insurance, and Selection: Estimating Selection into Health Insurance Using the Massachusetts Health Reform 미리보기
Hackmann, M.B.; Kolstad, J.T.; Kowalski, A.E. American Economic Association 2012
29 저널기사 Understanding Bank Runs: The Importance of Depositor-Bank Relationships and Networks 미리보기
Iyer, R.; Puri, M. American Economic Association 2012
30 저널기사 Heterogeneity in Neighborhood-Level Price Growth in the United States, 1993-2009 미리보기
Ferreira, F.; Gyourko, J. American Economic Association 2012
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