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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
151 저널기사 Ekelund, Robert B., Jr. and Robert D. Tollison. Economic Origins of Roman Christianity 미리보기
Allen, D.W. American Economic Association] 2012
152 저널기사 Earnhart, Dietrich H. and Robert L. Glicksman. Pollution Limits and Polluters' Efforts to Comply: The Role of Government Monitoring and Enforcement 미리보기
Judge, R.P. American Economic Association] 2012
153 저널기사 Barth, James R.; Gerard Caprio Jr., and Ross Levine. Guardians of Finance: Making Regulators Work for Us 미리보기
Truman, E.M. American Economic Association] 2012
154 저널기사 Women Empowerment and Economic Development 미리보기
Duflo, E. American Economic Association] 2012
155 저널기사 Kuznets, Simon. Jewish Economies: Development and Migration in America and Beyond. Volume 2. Comparative Perspectives on Jewish Migration 미리보기
Chiswick, B.R. American Economic Association] 2012
156 저널기사 Pomfret, Richard. The Age of Equality: The Twentieth Century in Economic Perspective 미리보기
Temin, P. American Economic Association] 2012
157 저널기사 Global Financial Stability and the Lessons of History: A Review of Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth S. Rogoff's This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly 미리보기
Taylor, A.M. American Economic Association] 2012
158 저널기사 Reinhart, Carmen M. and Kenneth S. Rogoff. A Decade of Debt 미리보기
Chinn, M.D. American Economic Association] 2012
159 저널기사 Ethnicity and Conflict: An Empirical Study 미리보기
Esteban, J.; Mayoral, L.; Ray, D. American Economic Association 2012
160 저널기사 How Important is Technology Capital for the United States? 미리보기
Kapicka, M. American Economic Association 2012
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