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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 Dilemmas of Economic Growth 미리보기
Foley, D. K. Eastern Economic Association 2012
32 저널기사 Women, Men, and Job Satisfaction 미리보기
Carleton, C. J.; Clain, S. H. Eastern Economic Association 2012
33 저널기사 Sectoral Growth Effects of Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions 미리보기
Doytch, N.; Uctum, M. Eastern Economic Association 2012
34 저널기사 Bribery and Endogenous Monitoring Effort: An Experimental Study 미리보기
Lowen, A.; Samuel, A. Eastern Economic Association 2012
35 저널기사 A Benefit from the Division of Labor that Adam Smith Missed 미리보기
Cheng, W. Eastern Economic Association 2012
36 저널기사 The Effect of Ticket Resale Laws on Consumption and Production in Performing Arts Markets 미리보기
Boyle, M.; Chiou, L. Eastern Economic Association 2012
37 저널기사 The Empirical Validation of an Agent-based Model 미리보기
Cirillo, P.; Gallegati, M. Eastern Economic Association 2012
38 저널기사 An Inquiry into the Pay Structure of the New York Yankees: 1919–1941 미리보기
Brown, K. H.; Gabriel, P. E.; Surdam, D. G. Eastern Economic Association 2012
39 저널기사 Stuck in the Middle: Is Fiscal Policy Failing the Middle Class?, by Antonio Estache and Danny Leipziger 미리보기
Bush, S. B. Eastern Economic Association 2012
40 저널기사 The Impact of the Teaching High School Economics Workshop for Teachers on Student Achievement 미리보기
Swinton, J. R.; Scafidi, B.; Woodard, H. C. Eastern Economic Association 2012
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