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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 Value creation versus destruction: The relationship between consumers, marketers and financiers 미리보기
Cova, B.; Paranque, B. Henry Stewart Publications 2012
52 저널기사 Country branding through Olympic Games 미리보기
Sun, Q.; Paswan, A. Henry Stewart Publications 2012
53 저널기사 Assessing brand vulnerability across product assortments 미리보기
Kumar, P.; Dass, M. Henry Stewart Publications 2012
54 저널기사 Putting city branding into practice 미리보기
Braun, E. Henry Stewart Publications 2012
55 저널기사 From data hoarding to data sharing 미리보기
Mitchell, A. Henry Stewart Publications 2012
56 저널기사 Data governance — Protecting and managing the value of your customer data assetsStage 3: Identifying and controlling the risk in using third-party processors 미리보기
Gregory, A.; Bentall, L. Henry Stewart Publications 2012
57 저널기사 From customer loyalty to social advocacy 미리보기
Keylock, M.; Faulds, M. Henry Stewart Publications 2012
58 저널기사 From web analytics to digital marketing optimization: Increasing the commercial value of digital analytics 미리보기
Chaffey, D.; Patron, M. Henry Stewart Publications 2012
59 저널기사 Marketing Analytics 2011 — Conference report 미리보기
Leventhal, B. Henry Stewart Publications 2012
60 저널기사 The IDM National Student Competition 2010–2011 미리보기
Naffa, S.; Jameson, J.; Baresova, P.; Johns, C.; Tran, M. N. Henry Stewart Publications 2012
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