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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Foreign direct investment and economic growth in Zimbabwe: a dynamic causality test 미리보기
Tsaurai, K.; Odhiambo, N.M. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd 2012
62 저널기사 An analysis of sectoral exchange rate pass-through effects on a small open economy using the Leontief Input-Output technique 미리보기
Oladipo, O.S. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd 2012
63 저널기사 Malmquist indices of productivity change in India's chemical industry: a subsector-level analysis 미리보기
Ray, S.; Ray, I.A. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd 2012
64 저널기사 Financial deepening in newly industrialised economies of Asia 미리보기
Sheera, V.P.; Bishnoi, A. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd 2012
65 저널기사 Access of firms to public procurement in Russia in the 2000s: before and after radical reform of regulation 미리보기
Yakovlev, A.; Demidova, O. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd 2012
66 저널기사 Uncovering the channels through which FDI affects current account: the case of Turkey 미리보기
Yalta, A.Y. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd 2012
67 저널기사 Recycling construction materials in a developing country: four case studies 미리보기
Srour, I.M.; Chehab, G.R.; Gharib, N. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd 2012
68 저널기사 Active cost management in Argentinean banks: an empirical test of sticky costs 미리보기
Werbin, E.; Porporato, M. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., 2012
69 저널기사 An analysis of India's bilateral intra-industry trade in agricultural products 미리보기
Varma, P. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., 2012
70 저널기사 Vertical intra-industry trade in higher and lower quality: a new approach of measuring country-specific determinants 미리보기
Pittiglio, R.; Reganati, F. Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., 2012
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