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91 저널기사 Exploring firm characteristics that differentiate leaders from followers in industry merger waves: a competitive dynamics perspective 미리보기
Haleblian, J. J.; McNamara, G.; Kolev, K.; Dykes, B. J. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2012
92 저널기사 How knowledge affects radical innovation: Knowledge base, market knowledge acquisition, and internal knowledge sharing 미리보기
Zhou, K. Z.; LI, C. B. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2012
93 저널기사 Foreign IPO capital market choice: Understanding the institutional fit of corporate governance 미리보기
Moore, C. B.; Bell, R. G.; Filatotchev, I.; Rasheed, A. A. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2012
94 저널기사 Customer capabilities, switching costs, and bank performance 미리보기
Brush, T. H.; Dangol, R.; O'Brien, J. P. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2012
95 저널기사 Robust analogizing and the outside view: two empirical tests of case-based decision making 미리보기
Lovallo, D.; Clarke, C.; Camerer, C. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2012
96 저널기사 Social comparison among competing firms 미리보기
Kim, K. H.; Tsai, W. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2012
97 저널기사 Strategic (MIS)FIT: The Implementation of TQM in Manufacturing Organizations 미리보기
Zatzick, C. D.; Moliterno, T. P.; Fang, T. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2012
98 저널기사 Retraction: Integrated knowledge exploitation: The complementarity of product development and technology licensing 미리보기
unknown John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2012
99 저널기사 How do young firms manage product portfolio complexity? The role of absorptive capacity and ambidexterity 미리보기
Fernhaber, S. A.; Patel, P. C. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2012
100 저널기사 The influences of being acquired on subsidiary innovation adoption 미리보기
Barden, J. Q. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2012
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