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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 Oil and gas wells and the Section 199 deduction: Deep subject, shallow ruling? 미리보기
Swiech, R.A.; Vance, S. Journal of Taxation 2012
32 저널기사 New ``signing date'' COI Regs.: Treatment of contingent consideration remains unclear 미리보기
Keyes, K.M. Journal of Taxation 2012
33 저널기사 New Temporary and Proposed Regulations attack some cross-border equity-swap payments 미리보기
Rubinger, J.L.; LePree, S.A. Journal of Taxation 2012
34 저널기사 Taxing your miles won't bring smiles: What value is reportable? 미리보기
unknown Journal of Taxation 2012
35 저널기사 Deduction or capital expenditure? The mystery behind the treatment of removal costs 미리보기
Mock, R.P.; Tolin, J.M. Journal of Taxation 2012
36 저널기사 Foreign account reporting using Form 8938-has the Service created compliance traps? 미리보기
Packman, K.E. Journal of Taxation 2012
37 저널기사 Gain derived from goodwill and going-concern value was not FPHCI 미리보기
unknown Journal of Taxation 2012
38 저널기사 Repairs vs. capital improvements: New Temp. Regs. clarify the distinction and require accounting method changes 미리보기
Conjura, C.; Atkinson, J.; Afeman, L.; Fitzpatrick, C. Journal of Taxation 2012
39 저널기사 The new penalty standard: Too good to be true (unless you win on the merits) 미리보기
Lipton, R.M. Journal of Taxation 2012
40 저널기사 Fees, rights, and structures that may affect REIT election 미리보기
unknown Journal of Taxation 2012
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