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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Ordeals 미리보기
Leeson, P.T. University of Chicago Press 2012
42 저널기사 Intergenerational Effects of Welfare Reform on Educational Attainment 미리보기
Miller, A.R.; Zhang, L. University of Chicago Press 2012
43 저널기사 The Effect of Punishment Severity on Plea Bargaining 미리보기
Boylan, R.T. University of Chicago Press 2012
44 저널기사 A Sex Difference in Risk Taking and Promotions in Hierarchies: Evidence from Females in Legislatures 미리보기
Falaschetti, D. University of Chicago Press 2012
45 저널기사 Human Capital Accumulation and the Expansion of Women's Economic Rights 미리보기
Geddes, R.; Lueck, D.; Tennyson, S. University of Chicago Press 2012
46 저널기사 Why the Police Have an Effect on Violent Crime After All: Evidence from the British Crime Survey 미리보기
Vollaard, B.; Hamed, J. University of Chicago Press 2012
47 저널기사 High-Tech Entrepreneurship 미리보기
Braguinsky, S.; Klepper, S.; Ohyama, A. University of Chicago Press 2012
48 저널기사 Regulation and Investment in Network Industries: Evidence from European Telecoms 미리보기
Grajek, M.; Roller, L.-H. University of Chicago Press 2012
49 저널기사 Market Regulation and Firm Performance: The Case of Smoking Bans in the United Kingdom 미리보기
Adda, J.; Berlinski, S.; Machin, S. University of Chicago Press 2012
50 저널기사 The Competitive Impact of Hypermarket Retailers on Gasoline Prices 미리보기
Zimmerman, P.R. University of Chicago Press 2012
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