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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
8,721건 중 500건 출력
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2012 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
141 저널기사 Regional Disparity of Rice Cultivation: A Case of Assam 미리보기
Komol Singha New Delhi Publishers 2012
142 저널기사 Paddy Cultivation Problems in Erode District — A Garrett Ranking Analysis 미리보기
D. Muthamizh Vendan Murugavel New Delhi Publishers 2012
143 저널기사 Growth Dimensions of Agriculture in Gujarat State: A Factor Analysis Approach 미리보기
N.J. Ardeshna;R.L. Shiynai New Delhi Publishers 2012
144 저널기사 Decomposition of Real Net State Domestic Product (NSDP) of Manipur and Its Implication on Fiscal Deficit 미리보기
N. Samsur Jaman;Bhupendro Singh;K. Gyanendra Singh New Delhi Publishers 2012
145 저널기사 Hectarage Response of Rice Production to Market Liberalisation and Price Risk in Nigeria 미리보기
M. Mkpado;C.J. Arene;S.A.N.D. Chidebelu New Delhi Publishers 2012
146 저널기사 Factors Determining Women Self Help Group Members and their Patterns: A Field Experience in Rural Haryana 미리보기
Vikas Batra New Delhi Publishers 2012
147 저널기사 Financial Inclusion in India 미리보기
G. Ramesh Pandi;M. Selvakumar New Delhi Publishers 2012
148 저널기사 A Bird's Eye View of Eco-Tourism in Jalpaiguri District 미리보기
Kanchan Datta New Delhi Publishers 2012
149 저널기사 Econometric Study of Asymmetry in Price Transmission from Wholesale to Retail Trade of Sugar 미리보기
S.P. Bhardwaj;Ashok Kumar;K.N. Singh New Delhi Publishers 2012
150 저널기사 Practices of Self Help Groups in Rural India: A Comparative Assessment on Quality and Impact 미리보기
Sanjay Kanti Das New Delhi Publishers 2012
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