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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
8,721건 중 500건 출력
16/50 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
2012 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
151 저널기사 Farmers'Assessment of KVK Training Programme 미리보기
Nafees Ahmad;S.P. Singh;P. Parihar New Delhi Publishers 2012
152 저널기사 Small noise methods for risk-sensitive/robust economies 미리보기
Anderson, E. W.; Hansen, L. P.; Sargent, T. J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
153 저널기사 TRIPS and other Agricultural Issues: A Study from Indian Farmers View Point 미리보기
S.P. Naganagoud New Delhi Publishers 2012
154 저널기사 Socio-Economic Development in Punjab: A Principal Component Analytic Study 미리보기
Gargi Ghosh New Delhi Publishers 2012
155 저널기사 Disparities in Agricultural Development of Haryana: A Case of Convergence or Divergence 미리보기
Vinod Kumar;Ravinder Dhankhar;Dinesh Kumar New Delhi Publishers 2012
156 저널기사 Flow of Scheduled Commercial Bank Credit to Farmers and Economic Reforms in India 미리보기
Hariom;Yogender Kumar New Delhi Publishers 2012
157 저널기사 Foreign Direct Investment in Retail: Historical Perspective and Prospects in Indian Context 미리보기
Nikhil Kant;Ajitav Sinha New Delhi Publishers 2012
158 저널기사 The Impact of Globalization on India's Export and Import of Agricultural Commodities 미리보기
Mill Saxena;Padmini Ravindra Nath New Delhi Publishers 2012
159 저널기사 Economics of Milk Production Among the Nomadic Dairy Farmers (Gujjars) in Subtropical Region of Jammu Province of J&K State 미리보기
Tarunvir Singh;Sudhakar Dwivedi New Delhi Publishers 2012
160 저널기사 Unirrigated Agriculture in Tamil Nadu: Problems and Prospects 미리보기
A. Gayathri;P. Veerachamy New Delhi Publishers 2012
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