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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Fiscal Policy and the Great Recession in the Euro Area 미리보기
Coenen, G.; Straub, R.; Trabandt, M. American Economic Association 2012
12 저널기사 Identification of the Effect of Depression on Risky Sexual Behavior: Exploiting a Natural Experiment 미리보기
Averett, S.L.; Wang, Y. American Economic Association 2012
13 저널기사 Monetary-Fiscal Policy Interactions and Indeterminacy in Postwar US Data 미리보기
Bhattarai, S.; Lee, J.W.; Park, W.Y. American Economic Association 2012
14 저널기사 Recruiting Intensity during and after the Great Recession: National and Industry Evidence 미리보기
Davis, S.J.; Faberman, R.J.; Haltiwanger, J.C. American Economic Association 2012
15 저널기사 Tariff Revenue and Tariff Caps 미리보기
Amador, M.; Bagwell, K. American Economic Association 2012
16 저널기사 Profits in the ``New Trade'' Approach to Trade Negotiations 미리보기
Ossa, R. American Economic Association 2012
17 저널기사 But Who Will Monitor the Monitor? 미리보기
Rahman, D. American Economic Association 2012
18 저널기사 What Do You Think Would Make You Happier? What Do You Think You Would Choose? 미리보기
Benjamin, D.J.; Heffetz, O.; Kimball, M.S.; Rees-Jones, A. American Economic Association 2012
19 저널기사 The Contribution of Large and Small Employers to Job Creation in Times of High and Low Unemployment 미리보기
Moscarini, G.; Postel-Vinay, F. American Economic Association 2012
20 저널기사 Europe's Tired, Poor, Huddled Masses: Self-Selection and Economic Outcomes in the Age of Mass Migration 미리보기
Abramitzky, R.; Boustan, L.P.; Eriksson, K. American Economic Association 2012
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