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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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2013 삭제
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Selection on Moral Hazard in Health Insurance 미리보기
Einav, L.; Finkelstein, A.; Ryan, S.P.; Schrimpf, P.; Cullen, M.R. American Economic Association 2013
62 저널기사 Tax Incentives Target Pilot Economic Free Zones 미리보기
unknown Tax Analysts 2013
63 저널기사 NAFE and the Ethics Question 미리보기
Thornton, R.J.; Brookshire, M.L. National Association of Forensic Economics 2013
64 저널기사 Editor's Introduction 미리보기
Shapiro, S.J. National Association of Forensic Economics 2013
65 저널기사 Professional Economic Ethics: The Posnerian and Naive Perspectives 미리보기
DeMartino, G. National Association of Forensic Economics 2013
66 저널기사 Point of View IRI presents its quadrennial position statement on U.S. economic and technology policy, calling for the launch of Innovation Economy 2020 미리보기
unknown Industrial Research Institute 2013
67 저널기사 Ugo Finardi describes how Clustering Research, Education, and Entrepreneurship led to economic and technological success for a nanotech innovation cluster 미리보기
unknown Industrial Research Institute 2013
68 저널기사 Personal Consumption and Single Persons: A Reply to Kurt Krueger 미리보기
Ireland, T.R. National Association of Forensic Economics 2013
69 저널기사 A 2012 Survey of Forensic Economics: Their Methods, Estimates, and Perspectives 미리보기
Slesnick, F.L.; Luthy, M.R.; Brookshire, M.L. National Association of Forensic Economics 2013
70 저널기사 Misclassification Errors and the Underestimation of the US Unemployment Rate 미리보기
Feng, S.; Hu, Y. American Economic Association 2013
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
