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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 CDS Auctions and Recovery Rates: An Appraisal 미리보기
Sundaram, R.K. Institutional Investor, Inc. 2013
82 저널기사 Where Does the Money Go? Budget Expenditure Allocations in Charter Schools 미리보기
Carpenter, D.M. Institute for Educational Finance] 2013
83 저널기사 The Achievement Impacts Of Arkansas Open-Enrollment Charter Schools 미리보기
Mills, J.N. Institute for Educational Finance] 2013
84 저널기사 Factors influencing investor choice of retirement funds 미리보기
Lee, A.; Xu, Y.; Hyde, K. F. Henry Stewart Publications 2013
85 저널기사 Editorial 미리보기
Harrison, T. Henry Stewart Publications 2013
86 저널기사 Changes in the marketing and operational capacity of retail sector firms through corporate securitization 미리보기
Bouvier, L.; Nisar, T. M. Henry Stewart Publications 2013
87 저널기사 Editor's Introduction 미리보기
Shapiro, S.J. National Association of Forensic Economics 2013
88 저널기사 The effect of firm characteristics in accessing credit for SMEs 미리보기
Yildirim, H. S.; Akci, Y.; Eksi, I. H. Henry Stewart Publications 2013
89 저널기사 Professional Economic Ethics: The Posnerian and Naive Perspectives 미리보기
DeMartino, G. National Association of Forensic Economics 2013
90 저널기사 Personal Consumption and Single Persons: A Reply to Kurt Krueger 미리보기
Ireland, T.R. National Association of Forensic Economics 2013
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