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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 Email Communications with Clients 미리보기
Rice, M.C. ABA, Law Practice Management Section 2013
72 저널기사 Rethinking IT: Beyond the iPad 미리보기
Mazzone, E. ABA, Law Practice Management Section 2013
73 저널기사 Helping New Grads Be Better Lawyers Faster Best practices for new lawyers to get off to a strong start 미리보기
Cleveland, G.E. ABA, Law Practice Management Section 2013
74 저널기사 The Secret to Writing Persuasively When you paint concrete word pictures, understanding and sympathy abound 미리보기
Kinder, G. ABA, Law Practice Management Section 2013
75 저널기사 13 Tech Tips for 2013 Advice about ways to make technology work for you 미리보기
ABA TECHSHOW ABA, Law Practice Management Section 2013
76 저널기사 Managing a Virtual Law Firm Creating a culture of collaboration 미리보기
Burton, C.E. ABA, Law Practice Management Section 2013
77 저널기사 It's All About Practice 미리보기
Ator, J. ABA, Law Practice Management Section 2013
78 저널기사 Practice Management Advice Future-Proofing Your Law Firm 미리보기
Calloway, J. ABA, Law Practice Management Section 2013
79 저널기사 Involving Your Staff: Pro Bono Is More Than Just Doing Good 미리보기
Klein, L. ABA, Law Practice Management Section 2013
80 저널기사 Courtroom Evidence: Evolution or Revolution? 미리보기
Nelson, S.D.; Simek, J.W. ABA, Law Practice Management Section 2013
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