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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 What Clients Don't Get about My Profession: A Model of Perceived Role-Based Image Discrepancies 미리보기
Vough, H.C.; Cardador, M.T.; Bednar, J.S.; Dane, E.; Pratt, M.G. Academy of Management 2013
12 저널기사 Getting What You Need: How Reputation and Status Affect Team Performance, Hiring, and Salaries in the NBA 미리보기
Ertug, G.; Castellucci, F. Academy of Management 2013
13 저널기사 Executive Stock Options as Mixed Gambles: Revisiting the Behavioral Agency Model 미리보기
Martin, G.P.; Gomez-Mejia, L.R.; Wiseman, R.M. Academy of Management 2013
14 저널기사 Bridging the Mutual Knowledge Gap: Coordination and the Commercialization of University Science 미리보기
Kotha, R.; George, G.; Srikanth, K. Academy of Management 2013
15 저널기사 A Dynamic Perspective on Affect and Creativity 미리보기
Bledow, R.; Rosing, K.; Frese, M. Academy of Management 2013
16 저널기사 Moments of Truth: Examining Transient Authenticity and Identity in Service Encounters 미리보기
Yagil, D.; Medler-Liraz, H. Academy of Management 2013
17 저널기사 Examining the Differential Longitudinal Performance of Directive versus Empowering Leadership in Teams 미리보기
Lorinkova, N.M.; Pearsall, M.J.; Sims, H.P. Academy of Management 2013
18 저널기사 Corporate Social Responsibility and Shareholder Reaction: The Environmental Awareness of Investors 미리보기
Flammer, C. Academy of Management 2013
19 저널기사 When Does Voice Lead to Exit? It Depends on Leadership 미리보기
McClean, E.J.; Burris, E.R.; Detert, J.R. Academy of Management 2013
20 저널기사 Emotion Helping by Managers: An Emergent Understanding of Discrepant Role Expectations and Outcomes 미리보기
Toegel, G.; Kilduff, M.; Anand, N. Academy of Management 2013
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