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검색어[키워드 / 전체:accounting review]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Options Trading and the Cost of Equity Capital 미리보기
Naiker, V.; Navissi, F.; Truong, C. American Accounting Association.. 2013
42 저널기사 Group Audits, Group-Level Controls, and Component Materiality: How Much Auditing Is Enough? 미리보기
Stewart, T.R.; Kinney, W.R. American Accounting Association.. 2013
43 저널기사 Christopher Napier and Roszaini Haniffa (editors) Islamic Accounting 미리보기
Archer, S. American Accounting Association.. 2013
44 저널기사 On Estimating Conditional Conservatism 미리보기
Ball, R.; Kothari, S.P.; Nikolaev, V.V. American Accounting Association.. 2013
45 저널기사 Target Price Accuracy: International Evidence 미리보기
Bilinski, P.; Lyssimachou, D.; Walker, M. American Accounting Association.. 2013
46 저널기사 I/B 미리보기
Brown, L.D.; Larocque, S. American Accounting Association.. 2013
47 저널기사 The Role of Firm Status in Appointments of Accounting Financial Experts to Audit Committees 미리보기
Erkens, D.H.; Bonner, S.E. American Accounting Association.. 2013
48 저널기사 Toward a Positive Theory of Disclosure Regulation: In Search of Institutional Foundations 미리보기
Bertomeu, J.; Cheynel, E. American Accounting Association.. 2013
49 저널기사 The Effect of the Timing and Direction of Capital Gain Tax Changes on Investment in Risky Assets 미리보기
Falsetta, D.; Rupert, T.J.; Wright, A.M. American Accounting Association.. 2013
50 저널기사 Kenneth A. Merchant and Katharina Pick Blind Spots, Biases, and Other Pathologies in the Boardroom 미리보기
Swieringa, R.J. American Accounting Association.. 2013
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