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검색어[키워드 / 전체:accounting review]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 Economic Consequences of Mandated Accounting Disclosures: Evidence from Pension Accounting Standards 미리보기
Chuk, E.C. American Accounting Association.. 2013
52 저널기사 Orphans Deserve Attention: Financial Reporting in the Missing Months When Corporations Change Fiscal Year 미리보기
Du, K.; Zhang, X.F. American Accounting Association.. 2013
53 저널기사 How Much Does IFRS Cost? IFRS Adoption and Audit Fees 미리보기
De George, E.T.; Ferguson, C.B.; Spear, N.A. American Accounting Association.. 2013
54 저널기사 Is There Life after the Complete Loss of Analyst Coverage? 미리보기
Mola, S.; Rau, P.R.; Khorana, A. American Accounting Association.. 2013
55 저널기사 Is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Associated with Tax Avoidance? Evidence from Irresponsible CSR Activities 미리보기
Hoi, C.K.; Wu, Q.; Zhang, H. American Accounting Association. 2013
56 저널기사 Investor Perceptions of Potential IFRS Adoption in the United States 미리보기
Joos, P.P.M.; Leung, E. American Accounting Association.. 2013
57 저널기사 Relation between Audit Effort and Financial Report Misstatements: Evidence from Quarterly and Annual Restatements 미리보기
Lobo, G.J.; Zhao, Y. American Accounting Association. 2013
58 저널기사 Insider Trading, Litigation Concerns, and Auditor Going-Concern Opinions 미리보기
Chen, C.; Martin, X.; Wang, X. American Accounting Association.. 2013
59 저널기사 Forecasting without Consequence? Evidence on the Properties of Retiring CEOs' Forecasts of Future Earnings 미리보기
Cassell, C.A.; Huang, S.X.; Sanchez, J.M. American Accounting Association. 2013
60 저널기사 Are Relative Performance Measures in CEO Incentive Contracts Used for Risk Reduction and/or for Strategic Interaction? 미리보기
Vrettos, D. American Accounting Association. 2013
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