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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
141 저널기사 Risk Protection, Service Use, and Health Outcomes under Colombia's Health Insurance Program for the Poor 미리보기
Miller, G.; Pinto, D.; Vera-Hernandez, M. American Economic Association 2013
142 저널기사 Investment Behavior, Observable Expectations, and Internal Funds: Corrigendum 미리보기
Cummins, J.G.; Hassett, K.A.; Oliner, S.D. American Economic Association 2013
143 저널기사 The Effect of Education on Adult Mortality and Health: Evidence from Britain 미리보기
Clark, D.; Royer, H. American Economic Association 2013
144 저널기사 Intertemporal Price Discrimination in Storable Goods Markets 미리보기
Hendel, I.; Nevo, A. American Economic Association 2013
145 저널기사 Word-of-Mouth Communication and Percolation in Social Networks 미리보기
Campbell, A. American Economic Association 2013
146 저널기사 The Demand for Youth: Explaining Age Differences in the Volatility of Hours 미리보기
Jaimovich, N.; Pruitt, S.; Siu, H.E. American Economic Association 2013
147 저널기사 News Shocks and the Slope of the Term Structure of Interest Rates 미리보기
Kurmann, A.; Otrok, C. American Economic Association 2013
148 저널기사 Using Differences in Knowledge Across Neighborhoods to Uncover the Impacts of the EITC on Earnings 미리보기
Chetty, R.; Friedman, J.N.; Saez, E. American Economic Association 2013
149 저널기사 The Great Diversification and its Undoing 미리보기
Carvalho, V.; Gabaix, X. American Economic Association 2013
150 저널기사 Optimal Pension Systems with Simple Instruments 미리보기
Golosov, M.; Shourideh, A.; Troshkin, M.; Tsyvinski, A. American Economic Association 2013
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