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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 The Financial Crisis: Lessons for International Macroeconomics 미리보기
Bussiere, M.; Imbs, J.; Kollmann, R.; Ranciere, R. American Economic Association 2013
82 저널기사 Facts and Challenges from the Great Recession for Forecasting and Macroeconomic Modeling 미리보기
Ng, S.; Wright, J.H. American Economic Association] 2013
83 저널기사 Incentive Schemes for Local Government: Theory and Evidence from Comprehensive Performance Assessment in England 미리보기
Lockwood, B.; Porcelli, F. American Economic Association 2013
84 저널기사 Persistent Antimarket Culture: A Legacy of the Pale of Settlement after the Holocaust 미리보기
Grosfeld, I.; Rodnyansky, A.; Zhuravskaya, E. American Economic Association 2013
85 저널기사 Collusion with Asymmetric Retailers: Evidence from a Gasoline Price-Fixing Case 미리보기
Clark, R.; Houde, J.-F. American Economic Association 2013
86 저널기사 Pricing Payment Cards 미리보기
Bedre-Defolie, O.; Calvano, E. American Economic Association 2013
87 저널기사 Effects of Federal Policy to Insure Young Adults: Evidence from the 2010 Affordable Care Act's Dependent-Coverage Mandate 미리보기
Antwi, Y.A.; Moriya, A.S.; Simon, K. American Economic Association 2013
88 저널기사 Burman, Leonard E. and Joel Slemrod. Taxes in America: What Everyone Needs to Know 미리보기
Cullen, J.B. American Economic Association] 2013
89 저널기사 Growth Forecast Errors and Fiscal Multipliers 미리보기
Blanchard, O.J.; Leigh, D. American Economic Association 2013
90 저널기사 The Geography of Trade and Technology Shocks in the United States 미리보기
Autor, D.H.; Dorn, D.; Hanson, G.H. American Economic Association 2013
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