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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Upper Tribunal finds ``layering'' constitutes market abuse 미리보기
Laming, H.; Dutton, T. Butterworth & Co. 2013
22 저널기사 The recast Brussels I Regulation: an end to Italian torpedoes and greater certainty for choice of jurisdiction 미리보기
James, S.; Machin, J. Butterworth & Co. 2013
23 저널기사 Two techniques and one transaction: combining conventional and Islamic compliant finance Includes a case study to show how the combination can work in practice 미리보기
Lawrence, J.; Hillier, K. Butterworth & Co 2013
24 저널기사 Till default do us part: facility agreements and acceleration Includes consideration of wrongful acceleration and the key difference between English and US appraoches 미리보기
Wells, C.; Doulai, A. Butterworth & Co 2013
25 저널기사 Unfair prejudice petitions: long-range missiles for minority shareholders Relief can be granted against anyone who is responsible for the unfairly prejudicial conduct 미리보기
Lightman, D. Butterworth & Co 2013
26 저널기사 Bail-ins and the international investment law of expropriation: in and beyond Cyprus 미리보기
Mendelson, M.; Paparinskis, M. Butterworth & Co 2013
27 저널기사 Bills of Sale Acts: ripe for reform? Less attention has been paid to the regime in relation to business finance 미리보기
Gullifer, L.; Hurst, S. Butterworth & Co 2013
28 저널기사 The rise of unitranche financing in Europe A borrower may gain a competitive advantage in terms of speed 미리보기
Conway, B.; Kashani, S. Butterworth & Co 2013
29 저널기사 After all, is the Takeover Bids Directive worth the paper it is written on? Is it time to consider alternative structures? 미리보기
Clerc, C. Butterworth & Co 2013
30 저널기사 Traffickers, terrorists and tax criminals The unique issues for financial institutions 미리보기
Chow, A. Butterworth & Co 2013
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