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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 Perspectives on the importance of interdisciplinarity 미리보기
Oliver, A. Cambridge University Press 2013
72 저널기사 Redistribution under the Social Security benefit formula at the individual and household levels, 1992 and 2004 미리보기
Gustman, A.L.; Steinmeier, T.L.; Tabatabai, N. Cambridge University Press 2013
73 저널기사 The financial impact of Spanish pension reform: A quick estimate 미리보기
De La Fuente, A.; Domenech, R. Cambridge University Press 2013
74 저널기사 The effect of medical malpractice liability on rate of referrals received by specialist physicians 미리보기
Xu, X.; Spurr, S.J.; Nan, B.; Fendrick, A.M. Cambridge University Press 2013
75 저널기사 Universal health coverage and user charges 미리보기
Smith, P.C. Cambridge University Press 2013
76 저널기사 User charges for health care services: some further thoughts 미리보기
Hurley, J. Cambridge University Press 2013
77 저널기사 Financial Crisis Fatigue? Politics behind Japan's Post-Global Financial Crisis Economic Contraction 미리보기
Katada, S.N. Cambridge University Press 2013
78 저널기사 Aging Populations, Globalization and the Labor Market: Comparing Late Working Life and Retirement in Modern Societies. Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Sandra Buchholz, and Karin Kurz, eds. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011, ISBN 978-1-84980-372-4, 338 pages 미리보기
Butrica, B. Cambridge University Press 2013
79 저널기사 Default investment strategies in a defined contribution pension system: a pension risk model application for the chilean case 미리보기
Berstein, S.; Fuentes, O.; Villatoro, F. Cambridge University Press 2013
80 저널기사 State and Local Retirement Plans in the United States. Robert L. Clark, Lee A. Craig and John Sabelhaus. Edward Elgar Press, 2011, ISBN 978-1-84844-755-4, 230 pages 미리보기
Rauh, J. Cambridge University Press 2013
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