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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 The Fall of the House of Credit: What Went Wrong in Banking and What Can be Done to Repair the Damage?, by Alistair Milne 미리보기
Perkins, W. C. Eastern Economic Association 2013
22 저널기사 Playing Well with Others: The Role of Social Capital in Traffic Accident Prevention 미리보기
Nagler, M. G. Eastern Economic Association 2013
23 저널기사 Estimating Willingness to Pay for River Amenities and Safety Measures Associated with Shale Gas Extraction 미리보기
Bernstein, P.; Kinnaman, T. C.; Wu, M. Eastern Economic Association 2013
24 저널기사 Linkage Effects, Oligopolistic Competition, and Core-periphery 미리보기
Zhou, H. Eastern Economic Association 2013
25 저널기사 Increasing Returns, Institutions, and Capital Flows 미리보기
Snyder, T. J. Eastern Economic Association 2013
26 저널기사 Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People are More Successful, by Daniel Hamermesh 미리보기
Tennant, J. Eastern Economic Association 2013
27 저널기사 Using a Difference-in-Differences Approach to Estimate the Effects of Teacher Merit Pay on Student Performance 미리보기
Gius, M. Eastern Economic Association 2013
28 저널기사 International Competition and Small-Firm Exit in US Manufacturing 미리보기
Feinberg, R. M. Eastern Economic Association 2013
29 저널기사 List of Reviewers 2012 미리보기
unknown Eastern Economic Association 2013
30 저널기사 Money, Investment and Consumption: Keynes's Macroeconomics Rethought, by Omar Hamouda 미리보기
Tcherneva, P. R. Eastern Economic Association 2013
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