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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Learning by Doing and the Locus of Innovative Capability in Biotechnology Research 미리보기
Jain, A. Institute of Management Sciences 2013
42 저널기사 Dared to Care: Organizational Vulnerability, Institutional Logics, and MNCs' Social Responsiveness in Emerging Markets 미리보기
Zhang, J.; Luo, X.R. Institute of Management Sciences 2013
43 저널기사 Decomposing Uncertainty and Its Effects on Imitation in Firm Exit Decisions 미리보기
Gaba, V.; Terlaak, A. Institute of Management Sciences 2013
44 저널기사 The Persistent Effect of Geographic Distance in Acquisition Target Selection 미리보기
Chakrabarti, A.; Mitchell, W. Institute of Management Sciences 2013
45 저널기사 What Happened to Long-Term Employment? The Role of Worker Power and Environmental Turbulence in Explaining Declines in Worker Tenure 미리보기
Bidwell, M.J. Institute of Management Sciences 2013
46 저널기사 Constructing a Climate Change Logic: An Institutional Perspective on the ``Tragedy of the Commons'' 미리보기
Ansari, S.; Wijen, F.; Gray, B. Institute of Management Sciences 2013
47 저널기사 Rationalizing Organizational Change: A Need for Comparative Testing 미리보기
Sakhartov, A.V.; Folta, T.B. Institute of Management Sciences 2013
48 저널기사 Why Put All Your Eggs in One Basket? A Competition-Based View of How Technological Uncertainty Affects a Firm's Technological Specialization 미리보기
Toh, P.K.; Kim, T. Institute of Management Sciences 2013
49 저널기사 Leisure Time Invention 미리보기
Davis, L.N.; Davis, J.D.; Hoisl, K. Institute of Management Sciences 2013
50 저널기사 A Social Information Processing Perspective of Coworker Influence on a Focal Employee 미리보기
Chen, Z.; Takeuchi, R.; Shum, C. Institute of Management Sciences 2013
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