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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
11 저널기사 Economic growth and income distribution with heterogeneous preferences on the real exchange rate 미리보기
Lima, G.T.; Porcile, G. M.E. Sharpe, inc.] 2013
12 저널기사 Household debt, financialization, and macroeconomic performance in the United States, 1951-2009 미리보기
Kim, Y.K. M.E. Sharpe, inc.] 2013
13 저널기사 Effects of financialization on the structure of production and nonfinancial private enterprises: the case of Mexico 미리보기
Levy-Orlik, Noemi M.E. Sharpe, inc.] 2013
14 저널기사 In Memory of Albert Hirschman 미리보기
unknown M.E. Sharpe, inc.] 2013
15 저널기사 Finance-dominated capitalism in crisis—the case for a global Keynesian New Deal 미리보기
Hein, Eckhard; Truger, Achim M.E. Sharpe, inc.] 2013
16 저널기사 Thirlwall's law and the long-term equilibrium growth rate: an application to Brazil. An addendum 미리보기
Britto, G.; McCombie, J.S.L. M.E. Sharpe, inc.] 2013
17 저널기사 Is risk management a science? 미리보기
Davidson, Paul M.E. Sharpe, inc.] 2013
18 저널기사 Author index to Volume 35 미리보기
unknown M.E. Sharpe, inc.] 2013
19 저널기사 Financialization, neo-liberalism, and securitization 미리보기
Lavoie, Marc M.E. Sharpe, inc.] 2013
20 저널기사 Carry trades and speculative manias: evidence from Central and Eastern Europe 미리보기
Hoffmann, A. M.E. Sharpe, inc.] 2013
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