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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51 저널기사 Public Management Research Association 미리보기
unknown Oxford University Press 2013
52 저널기사 Investigating the Structure and Meaning of Public Service Motivation across Populations: Developing an International Instrument and Addressing Issues of Measurement Invariance 미리보기
Kim, S.; Vandenabeele, W.; Wright, B. E.; Andersen, L. B.; Cerase, F. P.; Christensen, R. K.; Desmarais, C. x.; Koumenta, M.; Leisink, P.; Liu, B. Oxford University Press 2013
53 저널기사 Public Management Research Association 미리보기
unknown Oxford University Press 2013
54 저널기사 Why Do (Some) City Police Departments Enforce Federal Immigration Law? Political, Demographic, and Organizational Influences on Local Choices 미리보기
Lewis, P. G.; Provine, D. M.; Varsanyi, M. W.; Decker, S. H. Oxford University Press 2013
55 저널기사 Can Government Initiatives Increase Citizen Coproduction? Results of a Randomized Field Experiment 미리보기
Jakobsen, M. Oxford University Press 2013
56 저널기사 Panel Data Analysis in Public Administration: Substantive and Statistical Considerations 미리보기
Zhu, L. Oxford University Press 2013
57 저널기사 Where Did You Serve? Veteran Identity, Representative Bureaucracy, and Vocational Rehabilitation 미리보기
Gade, D. M.; Wilkins, V. M. Oxford University Press 2013
58 저널기사 Subscriptions 미리보기
unknown Oxford University Press 2013
59 저널기사 Administering Representation: The Role of Elected Administrators in Translating Citizens’ Preferences into Public Policy 미리보기
Miller, S. M. Oxford University Press 2013
60 저널기사 Public Service Motivation and Employment Sector: Attraction or Socialization? 미리보기
Kjeldsen, A. M.; Jacobsen, C. B. Oxford University Press 2013
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