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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
138건 중 138건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 The value of a statistical life in Chile 미리보기
Parada-Contzen, M.; Riquelme-Won, A. s.; Vasquez-Lavin, F. Physica-Verlag 2013
32 저널기사 Determinants of retail wine prices: evidence from Cyprus 미리보기
Michis, A. A.; Markidou, A. G. Physica-Verlag 2013
33 저널기사 Empirical demand systems incorporating intertemporal consumption dynamics 미리보기
Kim, H. Y.; McLaren, K. R.; Wong, K. K. Physica-Verlag 2013
34 저널기사 Linking investment spikes and productivity growth 미리보기
Geylani, P. C.; Stefanou, S. E. Physica-Verlag 2013
35 저널기사 Labor force participation and the discouraged worker effect 미리보기
Dagsvik, J. K.; Kornstad, T.; Skjerpen, T. Physica-Verlag 2013
36 저널기사 Tobacco and alcohol: complements or substitutes? 미리보기
Tauchmann, H.; Lenz, S.; Requate, T.; Schmidt, C. M. Physica-Verlag 2013
37 저널기사 Does travel inspire? Evidence from the superstars of modern art 미리보기
Hellmanzik, C. Physica-Verlag 2013
38 저널기사 Democracy and economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: a panel data approach 미리보기
Jaunky, V. C. Physica-Verlag 2013
39 저널기사 Spanish regions catching-up to Europe: an analysis based on the IB-MPI unit root procedure 미리보기
Arroyo, A. S.; Juan, A. n. Physica-Verlag 2013
40 저널기사 Parameter heterogeneity in the foreign direct investment-income inequality relationship: a semiparametric regression analysis 미리보기
Deng, W. S.; Lin, Y. C. Physica-Verlag 2013
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