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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Self-interest and knowledge-sharing intentions: the impacts of transformational leadership climate and HR practices 미리보기
Liu, Y.; DeFrank, R.S. Routledge 2013
62 저널기사 Transformational leadership and job involvement in the Middle East: the moderating role of individually held cultural values 미리보기
Sheikh, A.Z.; Newman, A.; Azzeh, S.A.-F.A. Routledge 2013
63 저널기사 Power shifts in organizations: the role of high-performance work systems 미리보기
Steigenberger, N. Routledge 2013
64 저널기사 Moving toward stakeholder-based HRM: a perspective of Italian HR managers 미리보기
Guerci, M.; Shani, A.B. Routledge 2013
65 저널기사 An empirical study of the dimensionality of organizational justice and its relationship with organizational citizenship behaviour in the Indian context 미리보기
Gupta, V.; Singh, S. Routledge 2013
66 저널기사 The negotiated character of performance appraisal: how interrelations between managers matters 미리보기
Moren, E.N. Routledge 2013
67 저널기사 Reducing burnout in Australian nurses: the role of employee direct voice and managerial responsiveness 미리보기
Holland, P.J.; Allen, B.C.; Cooper, B.K. Routledge 2013
68 저널기사 Crowded out? The capacity of HR to change healthcare work practices 미리보기
McBride, A.; Mustchin, S. Routledge 2013
69 저널기사 HR practices and turnover intention: the mediating roles of organizational commitment and organizational engagement in a selected region in Malaysia 미리보기
Juhdi, N.; Pa wan, F.; Hansaram, R.M.K. Routledge 2013
70 저널기사 The effects of high-performance work systems on hospital employees' work attitudes and intention to leave: a multi-level and occupational group analysis 미리보기
Ang, S.H.; Bartram, T.; McNeil, N.; Leggat, S.G.; Stanton, P. Routledge 2013
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