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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
31 저널기사 Innovation through Protection: Does Safeguard Protection Increase Investment in Research and Development? 미리보기
Liebman, B.H.; Reynolds, K.M. Southern Economic Association] 2013
32 저널기사 Effects of Family, Friends, and Relative Prices on Fruit and Vegetable Consumption by African Americans 미리보기
Zhylyevskyy, O.; Jensen, H.H.; Garasky, S.B.; Cutrona, C.E.; Gibbons, F.X. Southern Economic Association] 2013
33 저널기사 Shipping the Good Horses Out 미리보기
Eid, J.; Ng, T.; Chong, T.T.-L. Southern Economic Association] 2013
34 저널기사 The Monetary Policy Implications of Behavioral Asset Bubbles 미리보기
Gwilym, R.a. Southern Economic Association] 2013
35 저널기사 Immigrant Specificity and the Relationship between Trade and Immigration: Theory and Evidence 미리보기
Bowen, H.P.; wu, J.P. Southern Economic Association] 2013
36 저널기사 Compensation for Regulatory Takings with a Redistributive Government 미리보기
Pecorino, P. Southern Economic Association] 2013
37 저널기사 Antidumping as Strategic Trade Policy under Asymmetric Information 미리보기
Matschke, X.; Schottner, A. Southern Economic Association] 2013
38 저널기사 Academic Wage Structure by Gender: The Roles of Peer Review, Performance, and Market Forces 미리보기
Carlin, P.S.; Kidd, M.P.; Rooney, P.M.; Denton, B. Southern Economic Association] 2013
39 저널기사 The Timing of Redistribution 미리보기
Glomm, G.; Jung, J. Southern Economic Association] 2013
40 저널기사 Green Consumption under Misperceived Prices: An Application to Active Transportation 미리보기
Petre, A.; Wagner, J. Southern Economic Association] 2013
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