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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
131 저널기사 Gibraltar: International Financial Centre by Hassans and Caplan Montagu 미리보기
Campbell, A. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
132 저널기사 An Update on Foreign Investments in the Brazilian Financial and Capital Markets 미리보기
Stuber, W. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
133 저널기사 Alienation Covenants and Commercial Restructuring 미리보기
Gravells, N. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
134 저널기사 The Chinese Bankruptcy Law Reforms in the Past 10 Years: Perspectives and Problems 미리보기
Zhang, H. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
135 저널기사 CROSS-BORDER INSOLVENCY Foreign judgments 미리보기
unknown Sweet & Maxwell 2013
136 저널기사 Pending Evolution of the Russian Civil Code: Banking Law 미리보기
Avramov, S.; Burkova, A. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
137 저널기사 Limited Partnership Law in the United States and the United Kingdom: Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks? 미리보기
Berry, E. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
맨앞 이전 11 12 13 14 
