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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Journal]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
81 저널기사 Appeals Against Decisions of the European Supervisory Authorities 미리보기
Loosveld, S. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
82 저널기사 Information Duties about Payments Received for Distribution of Financial Products-an Overview of German Case Law 미리보기
Jordans, R. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
83 저널기사 The Italian Self-Regulatory Code for Listed Companies 미리보기
Lantelme, M. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
84 저널기사 Official Commentary on the UNIDROIT Convention on Substantive Rules for Intermediated Securities, by Hideki Kanda, Charles Mooney, Luc Thevenoz, Stephane Beraud, and assisted by Thomas Keijser 미리보기
Dubovec, M. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
85 저널기사 Derivatives Mis-selling by British banks and the Failed Legacy of the FSA: This article provides a critical analysis of the legal and regulatory framework governing derivatives mis-selling by British banks to small and medium sized enterprises, from 2001 onwards. In principle it argues that the current regulatory framework governing derivatives mis-selling is defective; that the Financial Services Authority has failed in its regulatory duties and objectives; and that British banks continue to operate with relative impunity amidst a regulatory framework replete with moral hazard 미리보기
Zepeda, R. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
86 저널기사 The French Local Entities' Debt Crisis-For a Renewed Approach to Local Public Finance (Part II) 미리보기
Aidan, P.; Dorin, P. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
87 저널기사 Bonus Caps-A Step to Ever Closer Union or Fragmentation in the European Union? 미리보기
Hill, J.; Ligere, E. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
88 저널기사 Swiss Financial Centre Strategy is Being Applied-Consultations on Revised Anti-Money Laundering Recommendations and Enhanced Due Diligence Requirements 미리보기
Albert, T.G. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
89 저널기사 Deposit Insurance System and Moral Hazard 미리보기
Kleftouri, N. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
90 저널기사 China's Central Bank in the Post Financial Crisis Era-Understanding and Rationalising its Monetary Policies and Challenges 미리보기
Shen, W. Sweet & Maxwell 2013
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