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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
21 저널기사 Past and Future Regulation of Interurban Coach Services in Germany 미리보기
Schiefelbusch, M. University of Bath 2013
22 저널기사 The Liberalisation of Railway Passenger Transport in Sweden 미리보기
Nilsson, J.-E.; Pyddoke, R.; Hulten, S.; Alexandersson, G. University of Bath 2013
23 저널기사 On Shipment Size and Freight Tariffs: Technical Constraints and Equilibrium Prices 미리보기
Combes, F. University of Bath 2013
24 저널기사 The Impact of Climate Policy on US Aviation 미리보기
Winchester, N.; Wollersheim, C.; Clewlow, R.; Jost, N.C.; Paltsev, S.; Reilly, J.M.; Waitz, I.A. University of Bath 2013
25 저널기사 Airport Pricing, Concession Revenues and Passenger Types 미리보기
D Alfonso, T.; Jiang, C.; Wan, Y. University of Bath 2013
26 저널기사 Testing Contextual and Design Effects on Inter-Urban Motorists' Responses to a Toll Motorway's Travel Time Savings 미리보기
Wardman, M.; Ibanez, J.N. University of Bath 2013
27 저널기사 The Effects of Ownership Structure, Competition, and Cross-Subsidisation on the Efficiency of Public Bus Transport: Empirical Evidence from Germany 미리보기
Scheffler, R.; Hartwig, K.-H.; Malina, R. University of Bath 2013
28 저널기사 Public-Private Partnerships, Traditionally Financed Projects, and their Price 미리보기
Makovsek, D. University of Bath 2013
29 저널기사 Vehicle Purchasing Behaviour of Individuals and Groups: Regret or Reward? 미리보기
Beck, M.J.; Chorus, C.G.; Rose, J.M.; Hensher, D.A. University of Bath 2013
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