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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 Can Warm Glow Alleviate Credit Market Failures? Evidence from Online Peer-to-Peer Lenders 미리보기
Chemin, M.; De Laat, J. University of Chicago Press 2013
42 저널기사 Tax Mix Corners and Other Kinks 미리보기
Revelli, F. University of Chicago Press 2013
43 저널기사 Test Scores, Subjective Assessment, and Stereotyping of Ethnic Minorities 미리보기
Burgess, S.; Greaves, E. University of Chicago Press 2013
44 저널기사 Does Higher Malpractice Pressure Deter Medical Errors? 미리보기
Iizuka, T. University of Chicago Press 2013
45 저널기사 Working Long Hours and Early Career Outcomes in the High-End Labor Market 미리보기
Gicheva, D. University of Chicago Press 2013
46 저널기사 Information Production by Investment Banks: Evidence from Fairness Opinions 미리보기
Cain, M.D.; Denis, D.J. University of Chicago Press 2013
47 저널기사 Negotiation under Possible Third-Party Resolution 미리보기
Birkeland, S. University of Chicago Press 2013
48 저널기사 How Does Bankruptcy Law Impact the Elderly's Business and Housing Decisions? 미리보기
Greenhalgh-Stanley, N.; Rohlin, S. University of Chicago Press 2013
49 저널기사 The Impact of a Mandatory Cooling-off Period on Divorce 미리보기
Lee, J. University of Chicago Press 2013
50 저널기사 Licensing One of the World's Oldest Professions: Massage 미리보기
Thornton, R.J.; Timmons, E.J. University of Chicago Press 2013
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