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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 Self-Reporting, Investigation, and Evidentiary Standards 미리보기
Gerlach, H. University of Chicago Press 2013
62 저널기사 Early Contract Renegotiation: An Analysis of US Labor Contracts, 1970-1995 미리보기
Rich, R.; Tracy, J. University of Chicago Press 2013
63 저널기사 Is It Live or Is It Internet? Experimental Estimates of the Effects of Online Instruction on Student Learning 미리보기
Figlio, D.; Rush, M.; Yin, L. University of Chicago Press 2013
64 저널기사 The Evolution of Property Rights: State Law or Informal Norms? 미리보기
Bubb, R. University of Chicago Press 2013
65 저널기사 Vermin Trials 미리보기
Leeson, P.T. University of Chicago Press 2013
66 저널기사 On the Design of Leniency Programs 미리보기
Chen, Z.; Rey, P. University of Chicago Press 2013
67 저널기사 Racial Segregation Patterns in Selective Universities 미리보기
Arcidiacono, P.; Aucejo, E.; Hussey, A.; Spenner, K. University of Chicago Press 2013
68 저널기사 Does Shareholder Proxy Access Improve Firm Value? Evidence from the Business Roundtable's Challenge 미리보기
Becker, B.; Bergstresser, D.; Subramanian, G. University of Chicago Press 2013
69 저널기사 Reforming Fisheries: Lessons from a Self-Selected Cooperative 미리보기
Deacon, R.T.; Parker, D.P.; Costello, C. University of Chicago Press 2013
70 저널기사 An Activity-Generating Theory of Regulation 미리보기
Schwartzstein, J.; Shleifer, A. University of Chicago Press 2013
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