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검색어[키워드 / 전체:accounting review]
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2013 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 The Role of Firm Status in Appointments of Accounting Financial Experts to Audit Committees 미리보기
Erkens, D.H.; Bonner, S.E. American Accounting Association.. 2013
62 저널기사 Toward a Positive Theory of Disclosure Regulation: In Search of Institutional Foundations 미리보기
Bertomeu, J.; Cheynel, E. American Accounting Association.. 2013
63 저널기사 The Effect of the Timing and Direction of Capital Gain Tax Changes on Investment in Risky Assets 미리보기
Falsetta, D.; Rupert, T.J.; Wright, A.M. American Accounting Association.. 2013
64 저널기사 Kenneth A. Merchant and Katharina Pick Blind Spots, Biases, and Other Pathologies in the Boardroom 미리보기
Swieringa, R.J. American Accounting Association.. 2013
65 저널기사 Economic Consequences of Mandated Accounting Disclosures: Evidence from Pension Accounting Standards 미리보기
Chuk, E.C. American Accounting Association.. 2013
66 저널기사 Orphans Deserve Attention: Financial Reporting in the Missing Months When Corporations Change Fiscal Year 미리보기
Du, K.; Zhang, X.F. American Accounting Association.. 2013
67 저널기사 How Much Does IFRS Cost? IFRS Adoption and Audit Fees 미리보기
De George, E.T.; Ferguson, C.B.; Spear, N.A. American Accounting Association.. 2013
68 저널기사 Why ``Fair Value'' Is the Rule: The answer lies in the changing makeup of the Financial Accounting Standards Board 미리보기
Ramanna, K. Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 2013
69 저널기사 Maitres Chez Nous: Some Questions about Culture and Continuity. A Response to Alan Patten's ``Rethinking Culture: The Social Lineage Account'' 미리보기
Booth, W.J. American Political Science Association 2013
70 저널기사 Is There Life after the Complete Loss of Analyst Coverage? 미리보기
Mola, S.; Rau, P.R.; Khorana, A. American Accounting Association.. 2013
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