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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 A Review of Peter Temin's The Roman Market Economy 미리보기
Velde, F. American Economic Association] 2014
72 저널기사 Strategy in History and (versus?) in Economics: A Review of Lawrence Freedman's Strategy: A History 미리보기
Dixit, A. American Economic Association] 2014
73 저널기사 Gallamore, Robert E. and John R. Meyer. American Railroads: Decline and Renaissance in the Twentieth Century 미리보기
Pagano, A.M. American Economic Association] 2014
74 저널기사 Grow, Nathaniel. Baseball on Trial: The Origin of Baseball's Antitrust Exemption 미리보기
Zimbalist, A. American Economic Association] 2014
75 저널기사 Kander, Astrid; Paolo Malanima, and Paul Warde. Power to the People: Energy in Europe over the Last Five Centuries 미리보기
Fouquet, R. American Economic Association] 2014
76 저널기사 Effects of School Quality on Student Achievement: Discontinuity Evidence from Kenya 미리보기
Lucas, A.M.; Mbiti, I.M. American Economic Association 2014
77 저널기사 Credit Constraints and Self-Fulfilling Business Cycles 미리보기
Liu, Z.; Wang, P. American Economic Association 2014
78 저널기사 Fertility and Wars: The Case of World War I in France 미리보기
Vandenbroucke, G. American Economic Association 2014
79 저널기사 Life and Death in the Fast Lane: Police Enforcement and Traffic Fatalities 미리보기
DeAngelo, G.; Hansen, B. American Economic Association 2014
80 저널기사 Optimal Tax and Expenditure Policy with Aggregate Uncertainty 미리보기
Bierbrauer, F.J. American Economic Association 2014
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
