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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 Kinangop Wind Park: project financing diversity in Kenyan power 미리보기
Kavanagh, M.; Johnson, L. Butterworth & Co 2014
72 저널기사 Deferred prosecution agreements: a leap of faith? 미리보기
Osborn-King, S. Butterworth & Co 2014
73 저널기사 Tax crime & reporting: a convergence? 미리보기
Chow, A. Butterworth & Co 2014
74 저널기사 The sinking of the Israeli floating charge The charge is evolving in a similar direction to its cousin in Canada and New Zealand, with a distinctly more US form 미리보기
Naveh, R.B.; Hershkovitz, Y.; Gilinsky, D. Butterworth & Co 2014
75 저널기사 How corporate trustees exercise discretion - Pt 1 Paul Regan and Nirmalya Ganguly: Discretionary powers to agree to modifications/waivers fall within narrowly defined criteria 미리보기
unknown Butterworth & Co 2014
76 저널기사 Perfection requirements and recharacterisation risk: civil law answers to common law questions The different approaches to the creation of security interests and to title transfers under English and Dutch law 미리보기
Diamant, J. Butterworth & Co 2014
77 저널기사 Bank clients' requests for documents: should banks cooperate? The risks for financial institutions who cooperate voluntarily 미리보기
Flack, D. Butterworth & Co 2014
78 저널기사 Draft proposals for new EU netting provisions: further harmonisation or fragmentation? Dr Bernadette Muscat: Observations and drafting solutions 미리보기
unknown Butterworth & Co 2014
79 저널기사 Commercial Court refuses art 28 stay and respects contractual forum choice Jeremy Andrews and Alex Price: Existence of exclusive jurisdiction clause may operate to prevent a stay 미리보기
unknown Butterworth & Co 2014
80 저널기사 Bank charges litigation: the view from two hemispheres 미리보기
Ovey, E. Butterworth & Co 2014
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